Discover Yourself Through Writing

Discover Yourself Through Writing Listen to my conversation on the podcast Make that Money Hunni   with Host and Financial Coach SANDRA JOE. I talk about the beauty and inspiration and power of...
Stepping into the Creative Unknown

Stepping into the Creative Unknown

It was August. After several months of intense purging and packing and planning, the day had arrived for us to finally leave the farm. We’d spent the morning doing the last of the cleaning, scrubbing the insides of cupboards that had lovingly held our kitchen...
We Need Each Other to Flourish

We Need Each Other to Flourish

This week’s post is a favourite passage from Nancy Houston’s exquisite novel An Adoration, in which the character Fiona says: Mama claims that people can’t exist in and of themselves, they’re a patchwork of everything they’ve seen and done, their heads are teeming...
Slowing Down Time

Slowing Down Time

  In this peaceful place time slowsdownwith onestepafter another nowhere to gobut here   Hear the flow of breath creek, life   Finda spot to rest and write whatever comesfrom presence, memory   Hold gentlyas if the soul has already leapt   Listen a...
Finding Our Ways with Words

Finding Our Ways with Words

A few weeks ago I had a dream: A young girl was showing me a series of books I had written, all of which were about healing by reframing my experience through art. I was amazed and delighted when I awoke and remembered it. Another message from my unconscious showing...
Two Trees

Two Trees

I had the spent the morning in the garden. After a rainy night the farm was covered with a spring mist that sparkled. Despite that I consider myself a fair weather gardener, I had made a commitment to plant greens that day and was determined to keep it. On went the...
It’s Done, Doc.

It’s Done, Doc.

  I can hardly believe that it’s done! I am now officially Dr. Ahava Shira or Ahava Shira, PhD. In preparation for my defense, I sat a 7-day silent meditation retreat at Stowel Lake Farm here on Salt Spring with teacher Adrianne Ross.  The silence was gorgeous,...